dst. (km) Today 49.61 Trip total 193.8 Odometer 2512.5
As we were leaving this morning we passed a familiar-looking cow at the side of the road, but thought nothing of it. Phil — driving out half an hour later — realised that it was the dairy cow that belonged to the farm and had escaped onto the road, so he stopped, caught it, and then managed to lead it several kilometres back to the gate. Judging by the way he looked at lunch time, he had the most energetic morning of us all!
The hilight of today’s riding was the six kilometre descent from Gentle Annie, several hundred metres vertically, down from the rolling hills to the dead-flat coastal plain.

A pint of Lion Red beer
Gisborne was working itself up for the New Year’s celebrations. Being a coastal town it’s always popular as a holiday resort, and as the eastern-most city in the world, they are the first to see the sunrise of the New Year, so its become a bit of a ritual for some surfers to go there.
Glen Innis station, Gentle Annie, Gisborne (38°S, 178°E)