Adrian Tritschler's stuff
My website, an agglomerative mess, probably half-eaten by a grue
© 1984 - 2025 Adrian Tritschler
© 1984 - 2025 Adrian Tritschler
2023/0130/1549 – Review of Chain Reaction
★★★☆☆ Ordered three weeks ago, still waiting Ordered three weeks ago. Have finally recieved an email saying I can start to track my parcel and according to the tracker it took 14 days to get to LHR from the depot and has three updates labelled “incorrect labelling”, but is now on its way Edit: Turned up on the 4th week2022/0731/2341 – Review of Wiggle
★★★☆☆ Order was fine, delivery confusing Order was fine; delivery company confusing. Email stated: “Please find confirmation that your parcel shipped from … via Evri International has arrived in country.” “You may track your parcel using … here” – but “here” is a link to hermesworld “Alternatively, you may track your parcel using the local delivery partners tracking website using tracking number … via hXXp… daiglobaltrack .com/tracking.aspx?custtracknbr=…” the “daiglobaltrack” URL is a link to ‘http… globaleco.2019/0224/1051 – Review of CouriersPlease
★★☆☆☆ Parcels left in public view, unsigned for Selected “DO NOT LEAVE” on delivery form. Two days later received email telling me delivery date, went to confirmation form and asked “Please deliver Thu/Fri, DO NOT LEAVE IF UNATTENDED”. Courier left parcel on front doorstep in plain view of the street then their office phoned up to say it had been left. Asked why they ignored my instructions and was told, “Oh yeah, they shouldn’t do that”There’s not much more I can add to who I am.
Vanity site? Technology experiment? Learning tool? Blog? Journal? Diary? Photo album? I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you…
I experiment. I play. I write and I take pictures. Some of the site is organised around topics, other parts are organized by date, then there’s always the cross-references between them.
Its all been here a fairly long time. Like the papers on my desk, or the books on the bedside table, the pile just grew… and it all grew without much plan or structure. I try not to break URLs, so historical oddities abound.
Long ago it started as a learning experiment with a few static HTML pages, then I added a bit of server-side includes and some very ugly PHP. A hand-built journal/blog on top of that PHP, then a few experiments in moving to various static publishing systems. I’ve never wanted a database-based blogging engine, so over the years I’ve tried PHP, nanoblogger, emacs-muse, silkpage and docbook before settling on Emacs Org mode for writing and jekyll for publishing. But the itch remained… I never really liked jekyll and the ruby underneath always seemed so much black magic. So now the latest incarnation is Org mode and hugo.