Stats. Today 12.29km Trip total 307.5km
I wasn’t here, I was on the RTA Big Ride.

This morning I found a horse shoe. Not just any horse shoe, it was one of the huge shoes belonging to the draught horses that were towing the carriages around town. I carried it around for half the morning and bore the brunt of many jokes, eventually met up with the carriages and handed it back, to be thanked profusely, since they cost around $50 a piece!

A last minute detour into a Bric’a’Brack store saw Jo and I make a fantastic find, a bright orange, 1960’s Atomic brand stove-top expresso machine — totally impractical to carry on a bike ride, possibly non-functional — of course we bought it. It even has the original instruction manual, featuring a sample packet of the correct grind of coffee!

Late in the afternoon I decided to ride out to the draught horse center, some 4.5km out of town according to the sign near the showgrounds. It didn’t start well, as a bunch of local yobboes screaming obscenities swerved their van at me and ran me off the road. Some five kilometres out of town I found the turn off, then a couple of hundred metres down the side road there was a sign that the place was shut on Wednesday and Thursdays! In a bad mood I rode back into Inverell, then spent an interesting half hour chatting with Dave Walker as he was packing up his carriages after a very successful day around town.
Inverell (29° 46’S, 151° 07’E)