An ignoble end to a fine piece of furniture. Today we tossed out the hairy-brown-couch, left it lying destitute at the side of the road, waiting for collection by the council on Monday morning.
This morning’s drive to Lorne(-38.55,143.9666667) was uneventful, we arrived in time for lunch, then spent the afternoon relaxing and strolling about. Out on the pier we weren’t the only ones watching the fishermen. The heron1 in the photo was intently watching for any signs of food.

John examining a blue swimmer crab
In the fish co-op Jack was fascinated by the crabs, so much so that Christos gave him one. Nobody was quite sure what Jack would think of eating the crab, but he enjoyed looking at it! Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy eating it — or at least I did, but a slight allergic reaction later in the evening had my lips tingling and eyes puffed up. A real shame since it tasted delicious, but that’s the in my life that fresh crab or crayfish has given me a reaction!
1 Yeah, ok, its an egret – seventeen years later – – on re-reading this it caught my eye and I’d better admit that I really do know what sort of bird it is.