A beautiful spring-like day. The good intentions were to get up and out of the house early, visit the markets and be out shopping by ten. After a bad night’s sleep we woke around eight, but then fell asleep again, so it wasn’t until ten thirty that we could step outside the door. Markets and groceries, then breakfast at Via Ponte. Sadly, the coffee isn’t up to scratch. Not as bad as last week’s shocker, but still not good. Then it was onto the tram for a trip to the city.

It was an interesting day for tram travel. As we got on we couldn’t help but notice the two identically dressed girls sitting side by side, identical mobile phones in their hands, totally engrossed in the game they were both playing. I read later in the week that Ericsson is doing some sneaky marketing with one of its new phones, something about getting models to pretend that they aren’t models and play with their new bluetooth phones in public — maybe that’s what we were seeing, I can’t tell from the picture. There was also a family with a dog on the tram, it being held in someone’s lap for the duration of the trip.
Due to the fact that we may or may not have been in possession of valid tram tickets, but we definitely did not like the ugly dial of the tikett inspektor, we alighted from the city bound tram and walked along in the sun besides the gardens.
More bits of shopping, on top secret topics, then home again, strangely enough, another girl with a dog attempted to get on the tram in the city but the driver wouldn’t let her on. He did first ask whether the mangy-looking terrier was a seeing-eye dog, just in case.
Jump in the car before heading out to Glenferrie Road for another browse in the windows. Topping off the afternoon, Louie’s provided some much-needed treasure in the form of spiced olives and tasty cheeses. The Tarago Shades of Blue is one of my favourites.