Off into the city this afternoon to shop around for Joey’s birthday present — I know what I want, I just can’t find it! Eventually successful, not only that, but the shop in question had the book on sale! Along the way I checked out the Lego Mindstorms that Dick Smith has — it’s getting very tempting as a present to myself! None of the other chain stores had it, so price checking wasn’t possible, but I did get to see all the current cool bits of Lego that they do have — like the Bionicle robot thingies. Of course, like every other piece of merchandise these days, they have their own website at
Two new CDs also managed to fall into my hands; Rob Snarski and Dan Luscombe’s “There is nothing here that belongs to you” as a present for Jo, and Death in Vegas’ “Scorpio Rising” for me. The first one was hard to find, filed under S where I’d been looking under L, the second was a bit of a wild card, without hearing anything other than the single “Hands Around My Throat” I was hoping I’d enjoy it as much as “The Cantino Sessions.”
Viewed from the tram on the way home: a 20-something girly, arms waving wildly around as she was freaking out in Bridge road. The source of her problem — her car bent neatly around the nose of another tram. I guess she didn’t see it…

Birthday dinner for Jo with Jo’s family — Jack still happily believing that all birthdays are for him, leaping in and blowing out all available candles.