Bah! That’ll teach me to clean my bike — half-way to work this morning and it started to rain again. Yet another cold, grey, drizzly day. So much for summer time…
The Nigerians, the Nigerians… In what must be some kind of record, there are four Nigerian Business Offer scams in my inbox this morning! Its frightening that there are so many stupid gullible people in the world to make these scams work.
My “Just in time Bike Ride entry scheme” just failed me. Leaving it far too late for the Alpine Classic, something I’ve never quite had the courage to enter previously. I tried today and found that they’re all booked out. If vacancies are available, they’ll be announced today… Oh well, at least I’ve managed to enter the Bicycle NSW Big Ride for next March, it’ll be strange to be doing it alone, since Jo doesn’t have enough leave. I must remember to book some leave for that…

More cycling-related news. Some friends from the France tour last year, Karen and David sent me an email today to say they’ve had a baby — a very small baby compared to the size of my nieces!