An invisible kind of a morning! After visiting the fruit and vege. markets, we dropped in for breakfast at Blue Heaven. Coffee arrived, the breakfast order vanished. After investigating, we got the breakfast, then were not charged for the coffees, since the order had vanished. Half an hour later, we called in at the bakery for a second coffee — ten minutes later it hadn’t turned up, so I enquired. The whole order had vanished. Coffee was created, delivered, apologies were made and accepted, together with a joking comment from the waiter that perhaps today would be a bad day to go out for dinner…
Somewhere along the way we bought a new tent. It was a bit of a whim, but $75 for a three-man tent was too much to resist. My hike-tent is fine for one person — and excellent to carry on the bike — but is too small for two people and their luggage. For the last year we’ve been borrowing a three man tent (for three small Korean men) from some friends, now we can finally hand it back and luxuriate on our next camping trip — whenever that is.

It sounded a little strange — “the tepanyaki restaurant in the K-mart car-park” — but the food belied the trepidation. The usual prowess that you’d expect from the chef, the fun and games of him flicking the cooked egg at the customers, and tasty fresh food cooked right there in front of you…