Day three of Monash-induced stupidity. Yep — back at work for the three hours from nine to noon. I’ll try to stay awake… There’s my most recent photos to organise and a few bits of journal to write…
To read, there’s a Christmas email/web-page from my cousin to her relatives and friends — an extensive list, it probably includes half the UK! It took some time to get my head around the characters and the plot… Almost as convoluted as The Usual Suspects, which Joey and I sat and watched last night — Yay! — about time we started using our TV!
Joey is grinning from ear to ear with her new toy — the Xbox — even if neither of us is very good at any of the games we’ve got. I think we’re both suffering from reflexes that are a decade too old for video games!

A spur of the moment decision on the ride home this afternoon and I came by “Bike Track” rather than road. What should I run into but a very large council truck completely blocking the path — I am going to have to create a page/photo-album dedicated to the things that I find blocking so-called bicycle facilities… To top it off, one of the myriad of patches of glass has succeeded in puncturing my rear tyre, so I rode home with a gradually softening rear end. Hardly surprising that I’ve got a puncture, considering the sheer quantity of broken bottles on the path now that the school holidays have commenced.