Inspired by some photos that someone (Daniel Colyer) took of their winter cycle commute in the UK, I’ve stopped on the path here and there to take some of my own . The countryside isn’t as striking, but some may be interested. I decided not to include photos of the growing list of dead things that I’ve seen in the last week, but will list them here:
- a large dog at the side of Ferntree Gully road
- a flying fox in the park in Chadstone
- a water rat on the Boulevard
- 1m long eel beside the Gardiners creek path
There’s not many interesting live animals to be seen, apart from a myriad of birds and dogs, all I see are European Carp in the creek, and — once — an Eastern Long-necked tortoise.
On the way home I had to detour via Mount Waverley, so yet again I attempted to follow the cycle path that runs alongside the rail line. Just like the , I lost it somewhere near Holmesglen station and ended up detouring through their maze of one-way car-parks and private roads, before escaping back into known territory at the golf course.

One of the more interesting vehicles I've met parked or driving along the Gardiners creek bicycle path
There was another car on the bike path this evening, it had a little more class than those I usually meet, but I can’t imagine that the owners will be bothered to clean up the dribbled trail of oil that it left from the car-park down to the picnic ground.
I read this afternoon that the City of Booroondara has created a “rapid response unit” to attend to, and repair, all potholes within 24-hours of being reported. I wonder if I should put them to the test and see whether it applies to potholes in the cycle track that they’re responsible for…
The Council is encouraging residents and members of the public to contact it to report any urgent defects on Booroondara’s roads.
Residents can report potholes during business hours by phoning 9278 4576 or after hours on 9278 4444.