Marko just couldn’t wait… The whole point of the six of us coming down to Jeetho for the weekend was to have a bonfire with the timber from the old windbreak, but when he got up this morning and went to move the cows, the sight of all that timber was just too much for him. The first we all knew was when Lesley started yelling and calling him names and telling him to go and get the camera…
Quite impressive it was! There’s something primeval about a great, roaring fire, it’s easy to see how tempting they can be for firebugs and arsonists. Stuck in the middle of an empty dairy paddock in the drizzling rain, it wasn’t any kind of a hazard though!

Leadlight window in Topsy and Rex's house
The rest of the day was spent at far more leisurely pursuits. Numerous cups of coffee, a long and lazy breakfast in front of the fire, and then a tour of some nearby towns and antique shops. Jeetho itself no longer exists as a town, all that remains is the town hall and railway platform. Loch, Poowong and others are still around, sleepy little towns that I’ve cycled through at various times. Lesley seems to know, or be related to, half of Gippsland, everywhere we went there was some interesting bit of news. Along the way I acquired yet another book to add to the reading pile…
When sitting around the house, Periodically we’d all go back to the pyre and poke at it with assorted implements — bowing to the urge that seems to prevent anyone from ignoring a fire.
After a full day of laziness, a two-hour drive home so that the rest of the weekend’s activities would be possible — Mick Thomas at the Evelyn tonight, a three year-old’s birthday tomorrow.
Loch(-38.3666667,145.7), Poowong(-38.35,145.75), Jeetho(-38.3833333,145.7166667)