There must be some kind of record for slow bicycle riding — today Jo and I managed to cover almost 40km in five hours! I guess spending an hour in Christie’s viewing the sad remnants of their stock didn’t help. The MT800 Cannondale tandem looked mighty tempting; but even discounted, its still a lot of money at $3750… not to mention being a rather bileous shade of toothpaste green. I guess the KHS Alite really is looking attractive — especially at almost half the price. I consoled myself by buying a Vistalight “Code 15 Nightstick headlight.
Spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the backstreets of Fairfield, Thornbury and Northcote, including such wonderfully named sub-suburbs as Dennis and Merri. We’re vaguely thinking that if we bought a house, that would be the area we would be heading…

Evan dressed up in his finery
This evening was Alistair’s annual solstice party. A Sumerian theme was felt to be topical this year, my knowledge of Sumer comes from a reading of Snowcrash, Jo’s from first-form high-school history! Lots of fun as usual. Lots of wine as usual… Evan surpassed us all with his choice of costume. Ancient Sumeria or 1950’s B-grade SciFi movie… we weren’t quite sure.

Belly dancer at the Solstice dinner
Alistair got out of his usual solstice speech by hiring a belly dancer. He claimed that Turkish belly dancers were fairly close to the Tigris/Euphrates delta, and that anyway, he’d been very busy and only organised it all at the last moment. He then attempted to entertain us all by joining in the dancing