Off to church this morning! A very strange thing for me to do — I can’t remember when I last entered a church… other than for weddings, or , or to admire the architecture. This was another christening, but it came at the end of the weekly service. Quite unsettling, as I had no idea what was happening at various times, and kept suspecting that as one of the god-parents, I’d be expected to know what was happening.
It all passed without incident. Neither Jack or Will had a tantrum in the church, Jack was happy to have me as a god-parent, John and Kath are happy to have me as a god-parent for Jack, I’m happy to be a god-parent for Jack. There’s a small matter of the technical requirements of the church — but that’s a matter for the church…
It did make me wonder exactly where I’d been christened. I guess my mum knows…

Jack assisting with the catering at his after-christening lunch
Then off to a celebratory lunch, two families, a myriad of cousins, a giant serving of food.