Katelyn Jane Staples, three days old
Miraculously managed to sleep in until 9 am — not easy in a house containing three young nieces — breakfast with Colin and Liz and catch up with people and family events. Then off in the afternoon to Canberra Hospital to visit the object of the entire weekend — sister and youngest additions, Katelyn Jane and Heidi Ann, three days old, happy, well and asleep.
I even remembered to take my film camera with me — and to actually use it! One day soon I may even have finished the film that’s lain dormant since I bought the digital camera — the camera certainly made some unhealthy noises as the motor opened and shut the lens cover, probably two years’ worth of grit and dust in there.

Double rainbow over Heygate farm
Back to Bungendore afterwards, to look with envy at dad’s garden and get itchy feet for a garden of our own — maybe not so big that we need to mow it, but just big enough to grow some tomatoes with taste! Over the winter the massively overgrown greenhouse has been put into order, the cacti gardens are all flowering, and more and more birds are appearing in the garden…