Ouch — another head-on on the bike path this morning, but thankfully it wasn’t me. One of the guys that I see fairly frequently in the mornings heading the other way, today he wasn’t heading anywhere, just lying on the ground while two other cyclists phoned for an ambulance. Same stretch of narrow bridge with steel railings under the freeway where I’ve had a few close calls and one elbow to the head…
- [http://www.getoutofthebikelane.com/]: Photos of motorists illegally blocking bike lanes. Maybe I should send them some of my favourites; like the truck, or maybe the police car.

Bike path hazard
An amazing thing happened today though. I had a phone call from the St George bank; they were proactively checking that the credit card transactions placed yesterday were all really from me! I guess the two phone transactions and one over the ’net tripped an alarm somewhere.