Half the weekend gone and I’m starting to feel human, by Monday morning I guess I’ll be back to normal and ready to face the world again!
After breakfast we decided to go for a walk up the Erskine river, after checking out the newer houses going up higher and higher up the hill. Some of them are huge, I dread to think what they sell for! Balanced on poles three storeys up above the hillside, attempting to simultaneously blend in with environment and yet maintain the best view possible. Once we passed the end of the road and scrambled down the hillside to the river there were blackberries everywhere — great big juicy ripe blackberries, just waiting to be picked off and eaten, and unfortunately just waiting to be spread further and further through the bush, creating the impenetrable thickets first started by Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, the Victorian Government’s botanist in the 1800’s.
Poor people in times to come will bless me for my thoughtfulness.
Baron von Mueller

A weekend is too short, someone should decree that each week we only work four of the five days and have three days off for leisure. I guess the other approach is for me to become fabulously wealthy and then relax in sybaritic luxury…
All too soon we had to leave, stopping in at Geelong for a look around the waterfront, admiring the way that the old docks have been turned into a park. Even the old port authority building looks set for demolition, to be replaced by stylish new waterfront apartments. Dinner at the “Sailors Rest,” a restaurant that we went to the last time that Mark and Lesley came down to Lorne!