Afternoon exploration, South into unexplored territory. Over North road and down along the fortified boundary of the golf course, a quick detour in along the driveway to see if we could see the clubhouse — supposedly a wonderful example of a pre-suburbia building preserved in the club — all we could see was the car-park and the watchful eye of the security cameras watching us…
Keep going south along the fence, Magnolias and fruit blossom everywhere, finally the golf course ended and we could turn left, but twists and turns of the roads conspired to send us still further south. Where are we going to end up we wondered? Somewhere in South Oakleigh, nearly at Centre road, derelict site of an old school, only the basketball courts and concrete cricket pitch remain, poking through the grass on the vacant block. Around a corner and a fascinating house confronted us, such a surprise after the uniform suburbia and endless 1960s brick housing, striking panels of colour, and odd angles sticking out — something interesting!

South Oakleigh House
One or two more streets and we found ourselves at the bottom of Huntingdale road, finally at least we knew where we were! Simply head north — a very long way — and we would be home. Still a few surprises, a huge pit beside the road that seems to be an abandoned quarry in the middle of the suburb, then a well kept park and athletics track, nameless, but with signs warning you to control your dog.