dst. (km) Today 141.9 Trip total ?? Odometer 1311.1
A long day, but in some ways it didn’t really feel like it.
After getting out of bed and queueing for breakfast with hundreds of French school girls all on a school holiday trip, I headed out at along the minor coast road in the direction of Mont St. Michel. I hadn’t realised how far it was, so it was 64km and by the time that I got there, very hungry and hot. The early fog burnt off quite quickly to a hot day. Mont St. Michel loomed into sight when it was at least 50km away, and just didn’t seem to get any closer, when I finally got there it was a bit of a dissapointment, with hundreds of people, cars and tour busses all around. With nowhere to lock my bike, and hunger rapidly rearranging my priorities I headed back over the causeway to a supermarket and then lunched in the park.
Over lunch I decided to head for Rennes since there was still plenty of time and I was feeling fine. Three hours later, stinking hot and probably stinking, I rode into Rennes with no real idea of where I was heading. Just as I found the centre of town I spotted a hostel sign, headed off and got lost and confused, then found the signs again, and by I was showered and comfortable, amazed at how far I’d travelled in one day.
St Malo, D201 to Rotheneuf, le Verger, les Portes, D155 to le Vivier, D797 to Pontoroson, D976 to le Mont-St-Michel, Pontoroson, D175 to Antrain and Rennes.