dst. (km) Today 0.0 Trip total ?? Odometer 1870.7
I’m not sure if I’m getting better or not! There’s less phlegm, but more cough, maybe all that beer and wine and the smoky bar was the correct way to treat bronchitis!
I got in earlier today and paid my 160FF to take my chances on the winery tour. It turned out to be more of a chateau drive-by bus trip, with two winery visits thrown in. A little disappointing to anyone used to a visit to Australian wineries, especially the smaller, more personable ones.
I could laugh at the comments that came from the French, automatic out-of-hand dismissal of Australian wine. Or the comments; “naturally they go for quantity at the low end of the market,” or “they change blends on a whim, here everything is controlled.” Then there’s the Americans on the bus, none of them have ever been to a wine tasting before!
Once back at the hostel I had a more leisurely evening than last night; sitting around eating bread and cheese and sausage, and drinking wine with Lolita and Tiffany, Brazilian and Canadian respectively, and Julie, from the Blue Mountains in Australia.