A little detour on the ride to work this morning — I headed into the city for Bicycle Victoria’s annual “Ride to Work” day and free breakfast. Everything there was all sweetness and light, in some contrast to the ride to get there!
One car parked in the clearway/bike lane on Bridge Road. Seven cars and a tow-truck stopped in the bike lanes at traffic lights. Two out of four “forward bike boxes” at the lights had cars parked in them. One taxi double-parked and disgorging passengers out both sides, and a motorist who attempted the “overtake and then turn left maneuvre. Heading to Monash afterwards I’d have to add the solid mass of vehicles blocking “Swanston Walk,” the couriers’ vans parked in the St Kilda road bike lane, and the woman who reversed out of her driveway without looking, and then drove past too close for comfort while yabbering into her mobile phone.
Oh well, at least BV will have their camera footage, parliament will see that there are a few bikes around — at least for today — and I managed to get my drivers license number engraved in my bike frame. Its supposed to aid recovery in the event of theft; I think I’d much rather prevent the theft in the first place since the proportion of stolen bikes that is recovered is very low.