A quick jaunt up to the shops before breakfast to get some bread, and — surprisingly — there was only one car illegally parked in the clearway on Bridge road, and it even had a parking ticket on it. Normally there’s at least one car per block!
The cool and drizzly weather has cut down on the number of other people riding in the mornings, and on the number of wandering people-with-dogs on the path. Makes it a pleasant trip heading in to work. On the downside, the evil smells from Gardiners creek are much more apparent!
I never knew that trying such a simple thing as moving mailing lists from my work email address to my private one could be such a hassle — yesterday I thought that I’d done it, today I found that some of the subscribes worked and some of the unsubscribes worked. I’m getting two copies of some stuff, and one (at various places) of the other. I don’t think there’s anywhere that I’ve managed to lose a subscription completely…