Five degrees this morning and there was more frost along the river. After another night staying up to watch the live coverage of le Tour de France, it would have been very tempting to spend the rest of the morning in bed.
Far warmer in the evening though. It almost felt like Spring!
Another month nearly gone and we’re starting to catch up with the Great 2003 Pasta Challenge. For the first time in a few months the dish looked recognisably like the picture on the calendar! Now at last the calendar can be changed over to display July. Then we’ve got another week to make a dish that contains scallions and cilantro — I’m guessing a small onion and a type of herb! Extra challenging trying to follow a foreign language recipe book — English.
It tasted great, even if it wasn’t quite the weather for a cold pasta dish. Probably one of the better meals from the calendar. One small problem was that I broke a piece off a tooth while eating it — I guess I can’t really blame the pasta though — I seem to lose small bits off a tooth every three months or so. Poor tooth genes I guess.