Last minute Christmas shopping panic — everyone else’s, not mine! First day of my break, tired from last night’s late finish, I wandered up the street at about eleven to gather my thoughts and look around. The more frenetic the crowds got, the more relaxed I felt, their panicking only seemed to emphasise the fact that I had absolutely nothing to do!
Called past the Tennyson building, a lovely old warehouse that’s been empty for months. I’d been hoping that it would be redeveloped in a “sensitive way, maybe keeping the entire old building, or even just the façade. But no, come the first of January, the bulldozers are moving in and the place is being demolished — presumably to make way for more nondescript three-storey townhouse apartments. At least I managed to capture a couple of photos before it vanishes.
Lunch, a little shopping, a leisurely walk and then home for a siesta — all preparation for the long drive up to Yass.