With Jo’s car off the road due to the oil leak, we decided to venture out this evening to a friend’s barbecue on the tandem. Only its second ever expedition — I wonder when we stop counting the individual rides? More fun and games man-handling it down the stairs, and then through the barricades at the pedestrian underpass at Burnley station. We’re getting the hang of riding it, I’m remembering to warn about pot-holes and speed-humps, and to change down gears before stopping!
Naomi’s barbecue was partly to catch up with friends, and partly to try out the telescope that she’s borrowed for the summer. Unfortunately none of us really had any idea about setting it up correctly, and the minimalist instruction manual from the Russian manufacturer didn’t really help. Still, we eventually managed to find the moon! Amazing to view the craters, but annoying to have to keep adjusting everything to keep it within view. One of the guys then tried to point it to a planet, we think it was mars, but even with it centred perfectly in the smaller site-scope, nothing we did could make it visible in the main telescope — we weren’t even sure if the two were lined up properly.