Hmm, not such a bad idea for a weblog title. As it is, its more a description of a day spent, seemingly endlessly, putting books, books and more books into a myriad of cardboard boxes.
Finally escaped in the afternoon, only to change hats and pretend I was a computer repair-man. Where’s that No I will not fix your computer tee-shirt when I need it? Seems that Kath’s PC has suffered at the hands of the local electricity supplier, in the immortal words of Catweazle, “noothingk works.” Swapping and testing… CPU works, RAM works, power-supply works, hard-disk works, all-together though — nowt, not a sausage. Only solution at the time was to perform a disk-transplant, now they can use one of the dodgy old Celeron boxes destined for the skip until I have time and workspace to beat their PIII back into life.