Updates on my progress at getting fafnir converted to ubuntu:
Attempting to get networking going again now that Fafnir has been configured with Ubuntu linux.
Faulty changeover cable causes some problems, but the major problem is that Ubuntu doesn’t have a kernel module for the Broadcom ethernet card! The “eth0” that was displayed was actually ethernet over IEEE1394, causing me no end of confusion.
“lspci” identifies:
Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 03)
Installed bcm5700-source, now need to get all the requisite parts for building the module!
Re-enabled the BIOS hyperthreading setting
After restarting the machine for the first time since the major Ubuntu X updates, the maximum resolution has dropped to 1024x768.
previously at http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~ajft/systems/fafnir/20050524fafnir