Since I’ve changed roles at work it has been deemed that I no longer warrant the use of a laptop, something I’d found to be useful enough that the lack was a slight annoyance. Happy enough with the ASUS model from work, we looked around and decided to buy one ourselves… the F3JV seems to be fit the specifications and price.
Only one small problem though. I’ve been trying to buy one since mid-January. Despite it appearing every week in five different companies’ advertisements in the IT section of the paper, when you phone up these companies and try to buy one they don’t actually have them, nor can they get them, nor do they know when they will get them!
Today we are quoted:
- Centrecom: “Be in in two weeks, nobody has them”
- CPL: “Next week sometime”
- Computerworld: “No, we don’t have them in stock”
- Nextstep: “We don’t have them in stock, we’d have to order one in for you”
At least Landmark have given up pretending that they have them, and have removed the model from their ad. — even though the guy in the shop never did ring me back.