Week ending Sunday 2009/11/01
Monday 09:17
blocks @rebekahtrinity MLM spam scammer [Original.]
Monday 09:17
blocks @quiannarenee MLM spam scammer [Original.]
Monday 09:20
blocks @Sherreas MLM spammer [Original.]
Monday 09:20
blocks @keishalexy MLM spammer [Original.]
Monday 09:21
blocks @tonyscarcia more MLM crap [Original.]
Monday 20:33
Adrian wonders when the UK will outlaw the phrases "jerry built" and "dutch courage" for racial slander against.. www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=163721322727 [Original.]
Monday 21:56
Upgrade Ubuntu to 9.10, destroy #LotusNotes and render it unusable (or more unusable than Notes renders itself normally) [Original.]
Monday 22:21
Ahh, #Lotus_Notes 8.5 on #Ubuntu 9.10 fix. ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1287766 GTK+X11 vs IBM [Original.]
Tuesday 08:15
envious of the location of @droo [Original, responding to @droo.]
Tuesday 08:46
blocks @depynsxejkuj SPAM [Original.]
Tuesday 13:28
puts exhausted toddler to bed for afternoon nap just in time for gas workers to return from lunch and start jackhammer on footpath outside [Original.]
Tuesday 14:00
*sigh* bike frame definitely bent after altercation with other bike rider's "turn right no lookee no indicate" maneouver - from my left [Original.]
Tuesday 15:00
@idonothaveacat nah, the off was months ago, it just took me velly long time to get replacement wheel and confirm bike is bent [Original, responding to @idonothaveacat.]
Wednesday 15:05
Hoo-f*#W#$ing-RAY network problem in HP blade server finally fixed by network people (20 months). Nearly time to decommission system. #FAIL [Original.]
Wednesday 17:23
oh noes, vigilante pruning has occurred along Station Trail bike path; eye-poker bushes no longer protrude by half metre. Culprit should ... [Original.]
Wednesday 17:44
Bent bike frame confirmed. Here www.flickr.com/photos/ajft/4052283820/in/photostream/ ... and ... here www.flickr.com/photos/ajft/4051551675/in/photostream/ Bother. $$$ [Original.]
Wednesday 21:20
That Mr Schwarzenegger has a way with words www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/28/schwarzenegger-gives-california-legislature-a-hidden-finger/ [Original.]
Wednesday 21:22
fights with his wife for a decent share of the ADSL link; #Telstra, #Bigpond #broadband, bwahahahaa [Original.]
Thursday 09:45
Reboots w-cl28-g34-c to Linux 2.6.31-14-generic: upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 RC [Original.]
Thursday 12:44
Reboots w-cl28-g34-c to Linux 2.6.31-14-generic: [Original.]
Thursday 21:00
unpacks shiny new el-cheapo USB slide/negative scanner... prepares to delve into last century's photo-cruftage [Original.]
Thursday 22:04
scans some slides from 1980, has a set of 1800dpi finger prints wot scotland yard would be most proud of [Original.]
Friday 08:00
helicopters and sirens disturb my tea and toast; Melbourne's Finest Motorists (tm) do it again, rain on road == idiots in cars [Original.]
Friday 09:00
@enyap_ynot only if your xray film is the size of a 35mm neg. [Original, responding to @enyap_ynot.]
Friday 10:27
blocks @1millionairemom yet more MLM crap [Original.]
Friday 10:40
blocks @emilyleechan more MLM BULLSHIT [Original.]
Friday 12:00
blocks @PapaPhiI more MLM CRAP [Original.]