Week ending Sunday 2009/11/08
Wednesday 09:53
ubuntu 9.10 syslog filling up with "Temperature/speed normal" someone please shut it up! [Original.]
Wednesday 09:58
@wally put big sign on it "DO NOT BANG KNEE HERE" [Original, responding to @wally.]
Thursday 09:18
tradesman has measured 82x204cm doorway and confirmed 82x204cm doorway. all stuff-ups of door size now tradesman problem [Original.]
Thursday 09:27
blocks @JohnHalderman MLM home-business rubbish [Original.]
Thursday 10:19
wonders if he can become some kind of pied-piper figure; attract all the MLM spammers in twitter to one place, then drown them [Original.]
Friday 09:55
searches for somewhere, anywhere, that will sell @drobo in australia for less than double the US price! #RIPOFF [Original.]
Friday 13:51
goes for a lunchtime walk and finds a perfectly good #akubra thrown away... acquires akubra for own use [Original.]
Friday 17:05
recieves an astounding cumbersome invitation - 2 PDF and 1 JPG attachment, two URLs "just in case". Why not use the bloody calendar? [Original.]
Saturday 15:48
Oh great, new Vic. road laws seem to make it illegal to pull out when overtaking cyclists - motorist MUST NOT cross white line [Original.]
Saturday 21:13
wish my chinese neighbours would not throw all their garbage straight over the fence onto the street, in this country we have garbage bins [Original.]
Sunday 14:20
@ben twitpic.com/opi26 - My wife lost her favourite flatcat umbrella two weeks ago on the Glen Waverly line. is that the one? [Original, responding to @ben.]
Sunday 16:02
returns from a bike ride and wonders if it's beer o'clock yet [Original.]
Sunday 20:03
@llenrup Haha, caught you... eventually. Odd, since I think I have the full set here, including the first one [Original, responding to @llenrup.]
Sunday 22:16
Thoroughly frustrated at cheap OVT film scanner and PhotoImpression software. Arcsof, OVT, these products are #CRAP [Original.]