Week ending Sunday 2009/12/27
Monday 13:47
@engineheart please forward to my cow-orkers; plus, the first "e" in create is not silent [Original, responding to @engineheart.]
Monday 14:50
wonders who made up the word #incentivized, and whether its possible to have them shot [Original.]
Monday 15:17
#FontFailure or #KerningFailure? Sign on nearby building appears to advertise "School of Bart ending" [Original.]
Tuesday 12:21
word of the day #oubliette [Original.]
Tuesday 19:05
RT maybe someone is fedup with crippled shins in carparks? @VictoriaPolice: Tow, tow, tow - Merry Christmas www.vicpolicenews.com.au/more-news/2533-tow-tow-tow-merry-christmas.html [Original.]
Wednesday 08:12
@dogcow this is not the datacentre you were looking for... [Original, responding to @dogcow.]
Wednesday 08:44
@dogcow deathly silence from @monashits - there was no outage? [Original, responding to @dogcow.]
Wednesday 12:12
Christmas spirit of Melbourne's finest motorists (tm), equal parts aggression, stupidity, testosterone and alcohol [Original.]
Wednesday 12:15
survives a walk to the shops - motorists hoot, double-park, race 2-abreast in 1-lane 1-way street, burnouts, etc. @VictoriaPolice WTF are u? [Original.]
Wednesday 12:44
Respectfully suggests the police confiscate mobile phones from idiots in cars, smash the blood things and shove them up the driver's arse [Original.]
Wednesday 13:19
Tries hard to convince #picasa to deal with #Windows7 offline folders, without success... so far [Original.]
Wednesday 13:50
#arcsoft #photoimpression 6 Edit a photo = silently delete all EXIF and IPTC metadata! #FAIL #FAIL #FAIL [Original.]
Wednesday 14:53
all I want for Christmas is ... a roll of cat5 and a copy of "the idiot's guide to wiring your home for 100baseT" [Original.]
Wednesday 15:16
listens to Jesus and Mary Chain and the Pixies, reminisces about long-lost MTBing buddies and VB longnecks [Original.]
Wednesday 16:58
#Telstra delivers a billion phone books. Pg 1, "we care about the environment, call 1800.008.292 to not receive directory." Too bloody late! [Original.]
Thursday 10:07
Adrian Ha ha, political correctness just goes over the top - on a small packet of plastic toy spiders "The female s... www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=227429914544 [Original.]
Saturday 10:22
feels gorged [Original.]
Saturday 10:23
gleans a metric tonne of apricots from the tree wot overhangs the fence [Original.]
Saturday 14:34
Adrian wonders what the big blue police helicopter is doing circling the nearby streets.: wonders what the big blue... www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=237759286457 [Original.]
Saturday 17:01
call me old fashioned, but I think yachts should be called by name not by sponsor. "Eithad stadium", stupid name for a boat. #sydneytohobart [Original.]
Sunday 09:18
@ben you have the black lung, accept it [Original, responding to @ben.]