Week ending Sunday 2010/02/14
Monday 10:13
Herald Sun does it again: "Onwers could be sjocked or electrocuted" #proofread [Original.]
Monday 10:36
would like the beeping machine outside his window to stop beeping [Original.]
Monday 11:04
towel cat is watching... www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40148277 [Original.]
Monday 12:14
Herald Sun does it again. Article about wild FIRES, "Fire towns lack wildlife plans" #proofread www.heraldsun.com.au/news/special-reports/fire-towns-lack-wildlife-plans/story-fn4chuwg-1225827787121 [Original.]
Monday 14:40
@ben Still no response to my question of when Australia stopped having bushfires and started having wildfires. [Original, responding to @ben.]
Monday 14:44
Adrian I thought you could never be too tall or too skinny, but alas no, facebook will not accept that picture upl... www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=297312227325 [Original.]
Monday 14:45
uh oh, may have set up a #twitter #facebook feedback update loop [Original.]
Monday 19:54
battles with a recalcitrant toddler; bundles the beast with eight arms, five legs and screams into bed, declares a truce and retires hurt [Original.]
Monday 20:36
Spent the day being inundated with superbowel. Knows all about the ads, the companies, the brands. NFI who played, the score or who won. [Original.]
Monday 21:22
Bigpond's DNS is somewhat #buggered. Cannot find "bicycle victoria" at www.bv.com.au, suggests "Serious Bacterial Vaginosis Relief" [Original.]
Tuesday 09:19
rings the council; maybe now the crap in the street will get cleared away rather than Jaanz's "we apologise for the inconvenience caused" [Original.]
Tuesday 10:30
Adrian Has a "new, simplified home page". can't find anything. aha, there's the anything I was after.: Has a "new... www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=304022523952 [Original.]
Tuesday 22:41
@dogcow each to his own; jameson says I [Original, responding to @dogcow.]
Wednesday 09:25
Too hot and too humid in melbourne, where's this thunderstorm we were promised? [Original.]
Wednesday 11:40
Herald Sun again, so is it leaking diesel or petrol, and do they know the difference? www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/truck-fuel-leak-sparks-chaos-in-southbank/story-e6frf7kx-1225828600298 [Original.]
Wednesday 12:08
noon already and still not gruntled [Original.]
Wednesday 16:02
some of our servers are named after minerals... searches through list of minerals for new server name. fukalite, now that's got promise [Original.]
Wednesday 16:06
@ben Ooh, I've got one of them too, ugly looking suckers aren't they [Original, responding to @ben.]
Wednesday 16:20
@ben this particular dog has a history of authoring documents of such clarity and succinctness [Original, responding to @ben.]
Wednesday 16:38
operation #titstorm, got to give them points for effective and amusing campaign names [Original.]
Wednesday 16:50
www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEc80U46hIQ #titstorm [Original.]
Wednesday 18:24
has a cacophony of lorikeets and one fat furry possum in the peppermint gum overlooking the fig tree [Original.]
Thursday 05:42
garbage trucks at 5:30am, everyone wakeup [Original.]
Thursday 10:38
assists cow-orker with reading a batch file, for cow-orker appears incapable of reading unaccompanied or without lips moving [Original.]
Thursday 12:49
evaluates Calibre eBook reader sw, does not like the way it copies all files into its own library. FFS, just reference them. FBreader FTW [Original.]
Thursday 14:07
asks for clarification on "account expiry 07/10/2010" re. date format. American, Australian, dunno. Gets told "10th of October 2010". #WTF? [Original.]
Thursday 15:39
lotus notes server goes up, lotus notes server goes down, lotus notes server goes up, lotus notes server goes down.... #WOFTAM [Original.]
Thursday 16:20
Thunderstorm approaches; bringing with it a great deal of darkness, some rumbling, and -- so far -- very little rain. #melbourne #weather [Original.]
Thursday 16:27
Thunderstorm has now been enhanced with extra noise and lots of rain #melbourne #weather [Original.]
Thursday 20:19
haha, "Great white' shark was a wobbegong" www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/02/11/2817019.htm #media #beatup [Original.]
Thursday 21:38
@pmcneil was _that_ close to buying a livescribe a year or so ago, gadget envy almost defeated practicality. practicality won. Crayon FTW [Original, responding to @pmcneil.]
Friday 10:25
@idonothaveacat implication that Apple should sell hardware at/below cost price? maybe we should ask the Age cost of newspaper production? [Original, responding to @idonothaveacat.]
Friday 10:27
#fdnvhy www.theage.com.au/digital-life/computers-nvhy.html All products should be sold at or below cost price! How much for the Age? [Original.]
Friday 10:50
nearly wets himself with giggles at the definition of his name -- www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=adrian -- in urbandictionary.com [Original.]
Friday 11:17
Someone PLEASE MAKE THE STUPID GO AWAY. cow-orker #STFU [Original.]
Friday 11:25
@ronanio @dogcow @ben look up definition of boss's name [Original, responding to @ronanio.]
Friday 18:11
removes a dead mouse from the floor under the coffee table [Original.]
Saturday 18:41
weekly sat'dy fish dinna: swordfish steaks with salsa verde #experimentonfamily [Original.]
Sunday 12:06
@kml wot, no menzies building? [Original, responding to @kml.]
Sunday 18:16
#multicultural #oakleigh in #marvellous #melbourne: Four greek teens spitting at, screaming at, threatening to knife a 50yo old chinese guy [Original.]
Sunday 18:17
takes toddler to the park, hears music, Nick Barker and Mick Thomas in the RSL next door. #win [Original.]