Week ending Sunday 2010/02/28
Monday 11:55
Amazing, vendor supplies a little service to a service request, suggests a work-around [Original.]
Monday 12:44
has a very itchy arm from running into the spawn-of-the-devil hairy caterpillars in the garden [Original.]
Monday 20:20
changes from Bigpond to Internode, that was suspiciously easy. Now to find and purge all the embedded .bigpond.com in everything [Original.]
Tuesday 16:17
2 many close calls on the bike today. would appreciate it if @MonashUni taught students to walk/ride/drive on the left in this country [Original.]
Tuesday 21:52
Contemplates spending his hard-earned on either an Eee PC™1008P or Eee PC™1005P, ponders the differences [Original.]
Wednesday 09:01
@kml busted link, try flic.kr/p/7DXUBT [Original, responding to @kml.]
Wednesday 11:39
Grr, "User's will not be affect as they will failover to XXXX" #grammar and btw, experience says YES THEY WILL BE AFFECT! Lotus Notes #FAIL [Original.]
Wednesday 13:38
I connected Twitter to my Flavors.me page - flavors.me/ajft #flavorsme [Original.]
Wednesday 14:20
google mail, google reader, google maps, yes to all of these. google wave and google buzz, completely fail to see the point of either [Original.]
Thursday 08:37
@llenrup lemon tree? [Original, responding to @llenrup.]
Thursday 08:48
wish girls from sacred heart high school wouldn't have sex with their boyfriends in peak hour in the Oakleigh station carpark #traffic [Original.]
Thursday 09:09
ensure/insure, #grammar proof-reader man strikes again [Original.]
Thursday 11:42
discovers some toys for babies and toddlers weburbanist.com/2010/02/24/wtf-wonder-lethal-luxury-baby-stuff-that-slices-dices/ [Original.]
Thursday 16:12
Queries Ascension Records, 'ere, where's that CD I paid for on Feb 2nd? "In the mail on the 8th, see Australia Post". *sigh* [Original.]
Friday 10:50
@dogcow old military saying; all equipment must be accompanied by equivalent mass of paperwork [Original, responding to @dogcow.]
Friday 11:58
45 minutes on the phone, around and around, Australia Post lose parcel, Australia Post don't care. #customer_service #FAIL [Original.]
Friday 13:32
@ben Bah, tried to buy souvlaki for lunch, "we've sold out" [Original, responding to @ben.]
Friday 13:36
wiki has new authentication mechanism, wiki keeps breaking and stuffing up due to new authentication mechanism. #pain #single_sign_off [Original.]
Friday 15:47
cow-orker unable to understand difference between a maximum quota and a minimum allocation. #friday [Original.]
Friday 17:25
2nd #customer_service #fail of the day: Ikea and/or Kings couriers, delivery between 2-4pm promised. 5:30, no delivery, call or reason [Original.]
Friday 18:32
dear america, please start using metric like the rest of the civilised world. thanks, bye [Original.]
Friday 19:45
"Minister Stephen Conroy has had the phrase "ISP Filtering" censored from a tag cloud on his own website." www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/stephen-conroys-website-removes-references-to-internet-censorship-filter/story-e6frf7l6-1225834622355 #censorship [Original.]
Friday 19:48
#customer_service #fail 3: Kings couriers, no return calls, finally "truck very late" 2-4pm will be delivered by 7pm. near 8pm, waiting... [Original.]
Friday 21:29
"Kings Couriers" "We deliver what we promise" NOPE, doesn't look like you do #customer_service #FAIL www.kingstransport.com.au/ [Original.]
Friday 21:58
@kml aye, "dilbert as documentary" [Original, responding to @kml.]
Saturday 09:28
Waits on hold; Kings Couriers, still no delivery from "definite 7pm yesterday", still no phone call. #customer_service #FAIL [Original.]
Saturday 13:41
today's keywords: #toddler #bath #bondi_cigar [Original.]
Saturday 14:02
RT @GadgetLab Gallery: A Tour Inside the Brooks Saddle Factory www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/02/gallery-a-tour-inside-the-brooks-saddle-factory/ [Original.]
Sunday 09:59
aches all over from a Saturday of battling flat-pack furniture. wardrobe 1, ajft nil [Original.]