Week ending Sunday 2010/03/14
Tuesday 09:07
Reboots w-cl28-g34-c to Linux 2.6.32-16-generic: [Original.]
Tuesday 14:46
poor manager, car was damaged by hail so he will work from home. unable to make it the 9km to work by bus, bike, taxi or foot [Original.]
Wednesday 14:43
A plague of black Portuguese millipedes upon you... www.theage.com.au/victoria/rains-drive-millipede-menace-into-homes-20100309-pv44.html [Original.]
Wednesday 17:15
@ben a favourite place 'o mine, luvverly view from the tower [Original, responding to @ben.]
Wednesday 18:19
Telstra cold-call nuff nuff ceremoniously DISMISSED. "Anything else I can help you with" me: "Dunno, you're the one calling" [Original.]
Thursday 09:46
joins @dogcow in acting as a reference book for cow-orkers. dear cow-orkers, learn to a) think and b) read [Original.]
Thursday 10:49
@ben prefer "I am angry, I am ill, and I'm as ugly as sin" [Original, responding to @ben.]
Thursday 11:45
@ben WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU BECAUSE OF THE ALARMS [Original, responding to @ben.]
Thursday 12:55
Two feet of snow: blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/02/snow_forecast_two_feet_and_maybe_a.html [Original.]
Thursday 21:47
Adrian fiddles about with various bits of data de-duplication software; reads up on btrfs and lessfs, and general... www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717182007&story_fbid=359438536371 [Original.]
Friday 10:42
@joshedmonds so are extraneous apostrohes [Original, responding to @joshedmonds.]
Friday 10:44
Melbourne airport makes $94.8 million in parking fees in a year ... no F*#$ing wonder they claim a rail line to the airport is "unnecessary" [Original.]
Saturday 20:36
smashes a (part of a) wedding present while doing the washing up. So far its one plate every seven years, the set should last a while... [Original.]
Saturday 22:02
tomatos tomatoes err, whichever, there's a lot of them, and they're covering the kitchen [Original.]