Week ending Sunday 2010/04/18
Monday 09:06
yesterday remembers wedding anniversary is tomorrow, today suffers monday-morning-itis and forgets wedding anniversary is today. [Original.]
Monday 10:53
cow-orker is reading spam out loud. Will cow-orker #STFU NOW PLZ [Original.]
Tuesday 11:30
OMG there are beautiful russian women waiting to meet me now, who'd a thunk it? [Original.]
Tuesday 11:42
fends off a cow-orker before he can let slip the Paris-Roubaix winner when I haven't seen the last half hour of the race yet [Original.]
Tuesday 13:05
"Mandatory Password Changes Costs Billions in Lost Productivity " .. so guess whose workplace is introducing them www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2010/04/11/please_do_not_change_your_password/ [Original.]
Wednesday 09:08
Speed limit on half of campus just upped from 20km/hr to 40km/hr, average motorist now doing 70 in a 40 zone instead of 70 in a 20 zone [Original.]
Wednesday 09:31
@enyap_ynot ah crap, sorry to hear that. was it at home or monash? [Original, responding to @enyap_ynot.]
Wednesday 11:58
writes up lack-of-progress project meeting. same as last lack-of-progress project meeting. nothing changed, nothing done.#hatemylife [Original.]
Wednesday 15:52
Reboots w-cl28-g34-c to Linux 2.6.32-20-generic: ubuntu update [Original.]
Wednesday 20:14
yet again Monash claims to discourage cars driving to campus - but continues with a flat fee for annual parking - no incentive to not drive [Original.]
Wednesday 20:15
@kml ha, great for when little dogs try and run into your wheels - go straight through! [Original, responding to @kml.]
Thursday 12:17
#Telstra has been sending outstanding bills for my closed #BigPond account to my non-existent email address at #BigPond #FAIL [Original.]
Thursday 12:19
#Telstra website "Method Not Allowed" "An error has occurred.". NO SHIT SHERLOCK. [Original.]
Thursday 12:59
cow-orker whinges, and having whinged, whinges some more. #STFU [Original.]
Thursday 19:32
Mum, dad and two year old toddler bop around the kitchen to Adam and the Ants, Stand and deliver... so sad [Original.]
Thursday 21:19
@Cos has two Hillman Hunters gently rusting away in a paddock if you'd like them, one was in the family since '71, the other a "spare" [Original, responding to @Cos.]
Thursday 21:41
@Cos sure, however, paddock in question is maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bungendore&sll=-37.899854,145.087116&sspn=0.050457,0.064373&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bungendore+New+South+Wales&ll=-35.233066,149.411294&spn=0.003264,0.004023&t=h&z=18 [Original, responding to @Cos.]
Thursday 21:51
@kml pronunciation hints for Eyjafjallajokull volcano please! [Original, responding to @kml.]
Friday 10:23
@dailyshoot flic.kr/p/7TM3kK #ds151 [Original, responding to @dailyshoot.]
Friday 10:32
Flickr view count tops 100,000, w00t. 100,016 by the time I remember to check it [Original.]
Friday 10:34
Wow: empty skies above the UK at the moment! - www.flightradar24.com/ /via @brendadada [Original.]
Friday 11:03
@pmcneil www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDJaTgcgiFg [Original, responding to @pmcneil.]
Friday 12:36
listens to cow-orker doing battle with vendor who cannot distinguish technical contact from financial contact [Original.]
Friday 13:11
Via @kml; I care about this alot hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html #alot [Original.]
Friday 13:47
Bow down before our nose leech overlords "T. Rex of Leeches Found in Amazon Swimmers' Noses" www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/04/t-rex-leech/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+wired/index+(Wired:+Index+3+(Top+Stories+2))&utm_content=Google+Reader [Original.]
Friday 15:24
First nose sucking leeches, now plague spreading marmots. We're doomed, doomed. www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1237602/Plague-fears-after-deadly-China-quake [Original.]
Friday 15:52
#QOTD: "I just broke the internet" [Original.]
Friday 17:34
Garmin, why does google say "about 14,600 for garmin edge faulty power switch"? Could it be #Garmin #Edge #FAIL like on my Edge 705? [Original.]
Saturday 09:48
returns from the bakery with fresh bread, saddened to see the local inoffensive blind pen-seller bloke has been thoroughly beaten up [Original.]
Saturday 16:18
spies a bunch of gents with cameras wandering around #oakleigh #3166. Photo walk? [Original.]
Saturday 18:30
'tis beer o'clock. James squire amber ale [Original.]
Sunday 13:47
returns home, exhausted, from a 2yr old birthday party [Original.]
Sunday 15:10
tries to get on the roof to become digital TV reception aerial man -- surprises chinese neighbours by walking along the fence [Original.]
Sunday 19:14
has replaced the chimney pot missing since Oct. 2004, cannot fix digital TV reception. #ABCTV #FAIL [Original.]
Sunday 20:00
has made dinner of chicken tagine and apple strudel, is content now [Original.]
Sunday 22:02
Ugh, new #doctorwho logo is the pits. Suspects that entire production crew is on speed; replace story with frenetic speed, rinse repeat. [Original.]