7.92km / 25:17 / 55m / 8.8°C
From Oakleigh to Huntingdale along the Djerring trail there has been a constant dumping of truck-loads of mulched trees, mounds over a metre high filling every available space. I suspect its a commercial tree removal place not prepared to pay tip fees for their green waste, it certainly doesn’t look like “mulch” for the path surrounds. Today a truck load of garbage has been added alongside, almost blocking the path, old garden tools, bags, a dead whipper-snipper. Strangely enough this isn’t the bit of the Djerring trail that features in all the pretty pictures on instagram
Overcast clouds, 10°C, Feels like 8°C, Humidity 87%, Wind 3m/s from N - by Klimat.app
Riding 510th day in a row, including my ;
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