12.56km / 40:39 / 84m / 9.9°C
Yesterday it was come home north into a northerly, today south into a southerly. But I get ahead of myself. Out in a break in the rain … well most of a break. Paths almost completely to myself the entire way around, a few people out for an afternoon outing with kids in parkas and gumboots. Not another cyclist to be seen until I started home from Glem Iris wetlands when six kids on MTBs shot past through the underpass, heading out for some muddy fun. Both creeks thundering down over the rocks, overflowing and churning through the parkland. The wetlands looking very … wet
Moderate rain, 12°C, Feels like 4°C, Humidity 87%, Wind 10m/s from SSW - by Klimat.app
Riding 532nd day in a row, including my ;
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