25.17km / 2:18:42 / 537m / 12.0°C
Another successful attempt at escaping from Lorne for a family ride. Drove up to Forrest for a cruisy ride along the Tiger rail trail, then back for lunch at the cafe and off down to Lake Elizabeth on a mix of the local mountain bike tracks - the very easiest of the mountain bike tracks given that only one of us was on a mountain bike
Tracks and trails everywhere, lots of fun, although the descent down to the Lake Elizabeth car park was wet, muddy and very slippery, then when you get there you find that you’re a long way from the lake and you’re not allowed to ride to it, and the only way out is back up the road since the mountain bike trail is one-way only!
After a seemingly interminable climb up from the car park we got to the ridge and rejoined track 3 – I think – then found some rocky descents on the path that none of us really felt comfortable with, after a few of these we gave up and rode the rest of the way back to town on the dirt roads.
Then it was stop at the brewery for hot chocolates all round and a couple of pastries, a fun day out
Light rain, 12°C, Feels like 11°C, Humidity 68%, Wind 4m/s from SSW - by Klimat.app
My 1202nd day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps