5.63km / 18:00 / 22m / 14.0°C
The Saturday morning pre-breakfast shopping, but I’d decided to head to Pedlars in Huntingdale for croissants since theirs are pretty good. Of course when I got there they only had two left and there’d have been a ruckus if I came home with only two for the three of us! On the way back I stumbled upon a newish fair-trade cafe operating in a hidden industrial backstreet, and also got rained on, then grabbed bread and hot-cross buns from our normal bakery
Overcast clouds, 15°C, Feels like 15°C, Humidity 87%, Wind 1m/s from WSW - by Klimat.app
My 1214th day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps