7.69km / 24:29 / 55m / 11.0°C
A routine commute to work, down to Clayton, up to Monash Uni. The #Cycliq Fly12 has decided to crap out again and declare the SD card “corrupt” again, so endless bleeping and flashing lights. Another reformat & curse session and it’ll be right for another random length of time. Got to work and mentioned it to a colleague, he has a more recent Fly12 and his craps out all the time too – fully charged on Wednesday during the day, he turned it on for the ride home in the dark and it flashed red and turned off, tried again, same thing. Rode home carefully in the dark. Got home and tried again and it came on and worked perfectly! Truly dodgy
Clear sky, 12°C, Feels like 12°C, Humidity 69%, Wind 3m/s from N - by Klimat.app
My 1269th day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps