7.67km / 23:26 / 57m / 9.0°C
Overcast with strong gusty winds, it was a bit of an effort keeping the bike on track a few times today – surprise gusts had me heading off into the weeds one side or the other. One good thing was that being a Friday there’s a lot less traffic about, and the bad weather had kept most of the other riders and walkers indoors, hardly saw another soul on the way to work
One piece of idiot driving – there’s always one – and yet again at the car park off Browns road. Driver came up from behind me, turned left across the bike path, but far enough ahead to not really be in my way if I slowed just a fraction … but then stopped when he saw the boom gates down and decided that rather than drive up to them and drive around the traffic island, he’d turn right onto the bike path and drive along it as a shortcut to the “way out”! Of course the car took up 80% of the bike path, then as I was riding past him he started turning into me
Overcast clouds, 10°C, Feels like 9°C, Humidity 71%, Wind 2m/s from NNW - by Klimat.app
My 1353rd day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps