2.55km / 10:02 / 13m / 13.0°C
Saturday morning pre-breakfast shopping; a flathead for dinner and some fresh bread for breakfast and the rest of the weekend. Once around the block afterwards for a sticky-beak at the Drummond street referendum polling place – ugh, huge queue waiting to get in and vote, lots of “NO” spruikers walking up and down the line with brochures and posters and all their strident anti-everything paraphernalia
Overcast clouds, 13°C, Feels like 12°C, Humidity 69%, Wind 2m/s from W - by Klimat.app
My 1390th day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps