17.20km / 51:08 / 93m / 17.0°C
Seems to be allowed by the #coffeeneuring rules, but only just… two rides in a week, and I get to choose when my week begins and ends. That makes coffee number six, a very tasty short macc. & mini pastry at Mister Baker in Elsternwick, and a new week starts Saturday and the challenge finishes Monday, so there’s three days over the weekend to get that last seventh coffee in
Cold and windy and endless close passes by the NIMBY SUV owners of Caulfield and Elsternwick who refuse to allow the council to even think about putting usable bike lanes along Inkerman street or anywhere else – a painted lane with round-the-clock parking filling it is all they’ll accept
Overcast clouds, 17°C, Feels like 16°C, Humidity 54%, Wind 4m/s from S - by Klimat.app
My 1422nd day in a row riding a bike; the last 6 days of 2019, my and all of 2021, 2022 and 2023 so far…
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps