12.00km / 39:57 / 56m / 21.0°C
Yeesh, that kid is quick. Struggling to keep up on a simple ride to school
Shopping chores, off to school to visit the second hand uniform shop – kids keep growing and last summer’s shorts become laughably small. Remembered to take the lock … forgot to take the key. No matter, the school hall is secure enough. Some suspiciously nasty noises have started to come from the bottom bracket of the 28yr old aluminium mountain bike under heavy pedalling – either the bearings are going or the threads have finally worn away to be unserviceable and the venerable norky bike will have to be permanently retired
A pause on the way homewards for a coffee – or milkshake – at Temperance Society, a quick home visit for the key to the lock, then into the maelstrom … err, Chadstone car park on a Saturday morning. More chores, successful. Things were mostly selected last week on a visit, then decisions chewed over. Today’s trip was mostly just the collection part. Then back out into the mess of lanes, cars, traffic lights and disjoint partial bike path bits, and home
Clear sky, 18°C, Feels like 17°C, Humidity 60%, Wind 2m/s from WNW - by Klimat.app
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps