8.03km / 24:16 / 55m / 10.0°C
The Garmin synchs with my phone by Bluetooth, so when I jump on the bike and take off, cross the railway lines and get half a block from home and there’s a loud BEEP it made my look down. “That’s funny, doesn’t normally take this long to connect”, shortly followed by, “Oh @#$@#$, that was it disconnecting, the phone is at home … the phone I need to use to login when I get to work”. A quick u-turn, back to grab the phone, off to work through Clayton’s building sites and open-air landfill streets
Scattered clouds, 10°C, Feels like 10°C, Humidity 77%, Wind 1m/s from SW - by Klimat.app
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps