7.63km / 26:24 / 53m / 9.0°C
Winter appears to be back, and I think I rode a grand total of 30km in the past week! The rate this is going I won’t even make my 5200km annual goal
Fixie to work today, icy wind and gusting unpleasantness. Huge piles of hard rubbish through Clayton – various residents see that the council is doing a collection and cluelessly decide that if one lot was collected, clearly they can put out more on the following weekend. Toothlessly, the council refuses to fine them or even ask them nicely to take it away
Overcast clouds, 10°C, Feels like 9°C, Humidity 72%, Wind 2m/s from WSW - by Klimat.app
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps