17.02km / 53:46 / 66m / 14.0°C
The day had cleared up and warmed up, plenty of time for a detour on the way home so I decided to head off southish to Karkarook lake. Crossing Centre road the traffic is bad and the lanes are narrow, so I headed off into one of the newer developments … and went around a few streets and ended up almost back where I started. A tiny bit of Centre road and dive off south, twisting and turning on industrial and suburban streets, then finding myself at Clayton road, across and off along a bike path under some high tension lines. All looked good until it ended at a fenced-off creek, so more twisting and turning until somewhere in Clarinda I could cross and start heading west. Came out onto the Dingely bypass half a suburb from where I thought I’d be, so follow it around to the lake, a leisurely lap in the late afternoon sun, then mostly straight north and home
Overcast clouds, 14°C, Feels like 12°C, Humidity 53%, Wind 0m/s from WSW - by K
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps