7.99km / 25:47 / 59m / 13.0°C
Down the Djerring trail to Clayton, up Kanooka grove to Monash Uni. Oh, what’s this … the SRL construction site has added more detour. Now rather than ride or walk up to the closed off end of Haughton road there’s a temporary pedestrian crossing to direct people onto the footpath, fences tight up against either side, and two Hi-vis clad gents standing around endlessly telling everyone to walk across and go this way – despite the fact that cyclists aren’t allowed to ride on a pedestrian crossing or the footpath. “Djerring trail will remain open” … indeed it will not
Dandeong road, peak hour traffic, 80km/hr cars heading west. One of our overseas students here for an education decides to ignore the pedestrian lights and dog-trot frogger fashion across three lanes of traffic. Much hooting. I suspect he got a little extra for his education dollars
Few clouds, 13°C, Feels like 12°C, Humidity 75%, Wind 1m/s from NNW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps