19.18km / 56:06 / 95m / 21.0°C
A leisurely ride down towards the bay and back – although there’s rarely anything leisurely about the close passes along Inkerman street and Glen Huntly road. Inkerman has a bike lane, but the council refuses to make it usable, so its full of giant SUVs and people movers, so you can’t ride in it, so you ride alongside it, so you get deliberate “hook” maneuvers by passing drivers to show you that “you should be in the bike lane”. Glen Huntly road is just full of shopping traffic and parked cars, always busy. I managed to go past my favourite gelato place without stopping, what amazing self control
Overcast clouds, 19°C, Feels like 18°C, Humidity 53%, Wind 2m/s from NW - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps