19.22km / 1:04:58 / 153m / 20.0°C
A sudden realisation this afternoon that if I wanted to play the 2024 #coffeeneuring game I had to go out today and hunt down my prey. So off I went, nothing very imaginative, a well known route and a previously visited coffee shop. Scotchmans creek trail downstream to East Malvern, Anniversary trail up to Ashburton, and the gravelly Ferndale trail down to Glen Iris Pantry and a short macc. while enjoying the afternoon sun and watching the cricket on the oval across the road
Rest of the ride was around the Glen Iris wetlands – spotted a night heron hiding in the reeds – and up through Hedgely Dene, then some wriggly backstreets and laneways to Caulfield, dodge the racegoers in suits and the Djerring trail home back along the railway
Scattered clouds, 17°C, Feels like 17°C, Humidity 50%, Wind 3m/s from S - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps