21.33km / 1:10:31 / 148m / 24.0°C
Another pleasant afternoon so it was time for another extended commute home. The hardest part is deciding on which way to go. North to Mount Waverley, up through Valley Reserve for a tiny bit of gravel road, then downhill alongside the rail line to Gardiners Creek. In towards the city until we join the Anniversary trail, spur-of-the-moment decision to go right not left and add on a bit more, up the hill to Ashburton, down some more gravelly track, slowly, avoiding dogs and outbound commuters – the Ferndale Trail – to rejoin the Gardiners Creek trail. Around to the Glen Iris wetlands, say hello to a random birder I met, then homewards, first up behind the back of the fences almost to Darling station then south to Carnegie and home along the Djerring trail. Warm and a bit hayfevery, but thoroughly enjoyable
Overcast clouds, 24°C, Feels like 24°C, Humidity 52%, Wind 2m/s from N - by Klimat
Garmin / Strava / ridewithgps